Graduation & Certificate Policy
Graduation Policy
Students become graduates after they must have received their certificates at the end of the program. To earn the certificate in the HICS Cybersecurity Certificate program student must meet the following graduation requirement:
- Students must attend at least 70% of live-class sessions of the program
- Students must attain up to 65% score in course assessment (final exams and/or assignments)
- Students who fails to meet the attendance requirement must achieve 75% score in course assessment
Certificate Policy
Students are issued a certificate at the end of a course. We offer different certificate on one course depending on the student’s achievement
- Student who meets the graduation requirement are issue a certificate in the course or program of study at the end of course or program.
- Student who are enrolled but fail to meet the requirement stated in the graduation requirement are issued a Certificate of Enrollment
- Students who meets only the attendance requirement are issued a Certificate of Attendance
Signed by: Hanniel H. Jafaru
Position: Director of Studies
Date: 30th March, 2021
Signature: Hanniel H. J